Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for ADHD is an evidence based practice for the treatment of ADHD/Executive Dysfunction. CBT for Adult ADHD group and individual sessions are available to clients located in both Texas and Colorado.
Are you dealing with time blindness? Is it hard to find the "right" time to start necessary tasks? Do you find you often misplace things, or that your office or home are disorganized? Are procrastination and avoidance interfering in your life? Are you finding that even with medication your ADHD symptoms are getting in the way of you completing necessary or desired tasks? Are you having difficulty or conflict come up in relationships due to some of the items listed above? Are this issues increasing feelings of depression and/or anxiety? CBT for ADHD might be the treatment you've been searching for.
CBT for ADHD (Targeting Executive Dysfunction) was developed by Mary Solanto, PhD. and her colleagues at the ADHD Center at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine.
Isalys Pagani, LPC is currently offering an ongoing weekly virtual group based on Mary Solanto's progrem for CBT for Adult ADHD. This group specifically targets executive dysfunction and works on all the issues mentioned in italics above. This group is held Sundays from 1pm-2:30pm. The group requires two intake sessions of $175 each. Group sessions cost $65 per session. Contact Isalys at [email protected] for a free consultation call or to set up your intake sessions for the group.
Isalys Pagani, LPC and Rachel Burgreen, LCSW-S also offer individual CBT for ADHD coaching sessions.
For more information on ADHD visit: Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD): or see our Resources page.